Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year

Well here we are at the end.
Of the year.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and got everything they wanted. I did and then I woke up the next morning and all hell broke loose. Don't ask I don't want to talk about it.

I am blog surfing this morning and I found this cute blog and it had a funny name. It gave me a laugh and so I thought I would share the item I found on this ladies blog. I have no idea who she is and where she comes from so if you know this person thank her for the chuckle she gave me today. Now I know you are waiting for a big reveal but it is just a little thing...

Derfwad: /durf/wod/ noun
1. low grade moron
2. pathetic term of endearment;
3. nut job
Don't stick your finger in the light socket, derfwad!
Come give me a kiss, you little derfwad.

Okay it is just little, but it gave me a big smile.
How many times have I used this word in my life? maybe once, twice or even never.
I think it is one of those funny words that you can use and not hurt feelings(at least is hope not), like when my sister calls me a honky. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't be offended I am not out to offend. I needed a smile on my face today and now I have one that will last all day. I hope I at least made my sister smile by sharing this with everyone. Oh and if you don't like what I have to say just don't read it. Have a Happy New Year!!!!

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